Sunday, March 10, 2013

Shop update

On January 15, my etsy shop re-opened under the name Mousewife Designs
I started a Facebook group (I'd love for you to join me there, if you haven't already).

The change from Mousewife Knits & Yarnables to Mousewife Designs was a natural decision.  Mousewife Knits seemed a much narrower focus, whereas Mousewife Designs encompasses much more of what I am using the name for.  It covers my knitting designs, as well as my spindle and jewelry designs.

I have been playing with silicone molds and polymer clay as well as wire-wrapping techniques to create designs that are as unique as they are beautiful.  I've been having a lot of fun, especially with the spindle making.  I've been experimenting with everything I can get my hands on: cold porcelain, polymer clay, resin.  I've even been mixing and matching media - coating cold porcelain in resin, finishing the wood shafts with resin.  Then there is finding different ways of tinting the resin for unique looks.  I recently learned that the jaquard acid dyes I use for dying wool also make amazing resin dyes.  Eyeshadow works beautifully, too, for a more opaque finish.  This is an amazing way to get a huge range of colours and use up eyeshadows that have expired.

This hasn't stopped me from designing, either.  I have been very busy on that front, having just had a "super secret project" accepted, finished, and submitted recently.  I will post more on that design in July, when the magazine is ready to hit the shelves.  :)

All in all, I have been busy.  Hopefully that busyness won't keep me from updating more often.

In the meantime, have a few more pictures of recently finished designs:
Raw, tumbled garnet gemstone earrings.

 Goldstone orifice hook.
Hematite orifice hook and howlite stitch markers.
Lavender Blue Fingerless Gloves.